An important link between the sciences and the societies are the regionally tied scientific societies. The platform supports, promotes and coordinates the work of these regional societies.more

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Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg (BZG)

Logo von Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg
Botanical and Zoological Society from Liechtenstein-Sarganserland-Werdenberg (Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sarganserland-Werdenberg (BZG)) aims to study the flora and fauna of the region as well as to promote the concept of the protection of nature.
The BZG is actively involved in the conservation of the habitat of animals and plants, as well as the study and the protection of the regions, whose nature is of exceptional value. Five working groups are particularly interested in the themes of the protection of bats, birds, amphibians/reptiles, crayfishes and the regional flora. Excursions, publications as well as presentations on naturalist topics contribute to the awareness of the surrounding nature - particularly among future generations, thanks to a strong collaboration with schools.

Year founded: 1970
Number of members: 200 (2017)
Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg (BZG) is a member of SCNAT, Platform Science and Regions (Platform NWR)


Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg (BZG)
Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sarganserland-Werdenberg eV
Birkenweg 6
9490 Vaduz