An important link between the sciences and the societies are the regionally tied scientific societies. The platform supports, promotes and coordinates the work of these regional societies.more

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Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur (NGW)

Logo von Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur
The Winterthur Society of Natural Sciences (Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur (NGW)) deals with questions from all natural sciences disciplines and promotes their understanding through lectures, excursions and publications. The NGW places special emphasis on current topics in natural sciences and the environment, particularly in the area of Winterthur.
During the winter semester, the NGW organises various lectures in the broad field of natural sciences, in which scientists give a passionate insight into their work. In the event series "Wissenschaft um 11", scientists and researchers present their area of expertise, while they also allow a glimpse at their personality. These events are enriched by artistic and cultural aspects. In summer, excursions and guided tours are available. A major concern of the NGW is to introduce young people to the fascination of natural sciences at an early stage. To this end, the society organises various activities, such as projects days in schools or the "Kinderuniversität" of Winterthur and supports high school students in writing a natural sciences based thesis.

Year founded: 1884
Number of members: 1'049 (2023)
Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur (NGW) is a member of SCNAT, Platform Science and Regions (Platform NWR)



Naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Winterthur (NGW)
Technoparkstrasse 2
8406 Winterthur